Vests for kids made with the Tabby Jacket Pattern and for grown-ups using the Tabula Rasa Jacket Pattern are great for the times of year when the seasons change. This pair of vests were made as spring was approaching but they are still perfect for our current move into fall.

Use Materials in the Stash
The fabrics have been in the stash for about 10 years. They were bought at Steve’s Sew and Vac in Philadelphia to make a Tabula Rasa Jacket when that was Fit for Art’s only pattern. When we were making samples to promote the Tabby Jacket pattern for kids, they were fun to pull out and stitch up in a mother/daughter combo for my next door neighbors.

Get Patterns Prepared before Beginning
There was a limited amount of fabric so it was necessary to start with both patterns prepared to make sure all the vest sections and details could be cut successfully. After assessing the fabric and patterns, I made a list of what details would be included and which pattern pieces needed to be cut from each of the 3 fabrics.

Special Features for Kids
The vest instructions are included in the Tabby Jacket Pattern’s design extras which also includes the front pockets and shoulder supports that are included in this little size 4 vest. Attach the front pockets and the shoulder supports to the front/back section before adding the side panel with contrasting binding. The final steps are to add the armhole binding, attach the front band and hem the jacket. Read more about what the Tabby Jacket pattern has to offer in the post Easy to Sew Tabby.

Sophisticated Finishes for Grown-Up Gals

On the Tabula Rasa vest made for the mom, an interior pocket and shoulder support was added to the front/back which was pieced with a flat piping insert. When added to the side panel the contrasting binding aligns with the flat piping. In this vest, the armhole binding is turned under for a neat grown up finish. The headline photos shows this finish well. Follow the instructions in this free vest directions PDF or visit the Jacket Help page.

Keep Interfacing on Hand for Project Success
The shoulder shields, tops of the pockets, hems and front bands on both vests were interfaced with Envy Silk. It was the perfect support for this very soft fine wale corduroy.
Vests are Perfect Wardrobe Additions
A vest really does perk up everyday tees and jeans, adding an extra layer on cool mornings. Even better, they are quick to sew and take much less fabric than a jacket. Visit our gallery to see more vests and begin planning and stitching your own vest. Then sew one for a young friend as well.
Thinking about your wardrobe as the seasons change? Join Rae and The Fabric Mart Monday evening October 2 for a virtual class titled Curate and Sew a Contemporary Wardrobe. It will be a lively discussion!
Hi Rae,
Please explain what you mean by shoulder supports. I couldn’t discern what they were from the pictures. I enjoy your blogs very much. Thanks,
Hi Peggy, Great question what was not explained, you are right. If you look at the photo of the adult vest inside out, you see an interior pocket at the lower edge and then a green polkadot right side fabric piece up around the shoulder seam. This is the Shoulder Shield which we suggest in the basic Tabula Rasa Jacket Directions for unlined jackets or vests that need some structure at the shoulders. The shield is made by cutting fabric from the high horizontal balance line to the shoulder on the front and back. Cut them out of coordinating fabric, interface the pieces and sew them together at the shoulder seams. Then they are placed on top of the full size front/back and basted in place to give some structure to the garment. Read the blog post, A New Face for the Tabula Rasa Jacket to see a more detailed description. I have also placed the link in the blog post so you can get there easily.