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Common Fitting Adjustment Videos

As our name implies, we are all about Fit and helping everyone get a comfortable fit for their body.  We started Fit for Art Patterns with the goal of offering a basic, well fitting, easily adjustable jacket pattern for home sewers, wearable artists, teachers and sewing professionals.


Our first web site only had one pattern, the Tabula Rasa Jacket, but it also had the Common Fitting Adjustments for the Tabula Rasa Jacket as a free download.  Then, as now, we wanted every person who used our pattern to find their best fit.


At our first sewing show, we offered our signature fitting service free to anyone who purchased a jacket pattern, and we still do.  The fit prescription each customer receives is a road map to help them navigate the Common Fitting Adjustments for a personalized and nuanced jacket fit.  Over the years we have changed the fit prescription form so it is easier for everyone to understand the changes that need to be made.  We have also added extra adjustments to the Common Fitting Adjustments document when we saw a need for additional fitting information.

Three lovely adjusted mock ups.
Three lovely adjusted mock ups.


Now, we have introduced videos so you can watch and see how to make a number of our most prescribed adjustments.  In addition to an introduction to pattern adjustments, you can watch me as I adjust patterns for:


We hope that if you have a fitting prescription and have not yet made your adjustments, these videos will empower you to get out your pattern and begin adjusting it for your special fitting needs.  Watch them over and over if you need to and use the videos in concert with the illustrated Common Fitting Adjustment document to successfully make your changes. Take your time.  Careful pattern work is an important step as you begin to plan and make successful and beautiful jackets.  And of course, if you are still stuck, send us an e-mail at and we will be glad to walk you through the changes.

Carrie, working on pattern work.
Carrie, working on pattern work.


Once you have made your changes we encourage you to make a mock up and test the fitting changes before making more complex jackets.  Your mock up will be your guide as you begin to embellish and piece your artful jackets.

These Raleigh ASG students are on their way to a great fit, just get that sleeve length adjusted
These Raleigh ASG friends are on their way to a great fit, just get that sleeve length adjusted!

The links to the videos are easy to find from the home page in our Helpful Links Section or follow the Helpful Hints drop down list and choose Jackets.  If you are visiting the home page, make sure you check out our new Winter Fashions Banner for inspiration and take note of our new In The News box at the bottom of the page.

This pieced jacket is especially lovely because the pattern was adjusted for a rounded back before the lovely yoke was added.
This pieced jacket, by a friend in the Richmond ASG, is especially lovely because the pattern was adjusted for a rounded back before the lovely yoke was added.

If you have not yet had a complimentary fitting for the Tabula Rasa Jacket, see our schedule of Spring events and plan to visit us in our booth or take a class.  We look forward to seeing you and your beautiful jackets.

Happy Sewing, RAE




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