Enchanting France – Embellishing Fabric

Fit for Art Patterns invites you to refresh your creative spirit at La Cascade Artists Retreat in Durfort, an enchanting medieval artisan village in the Languedoc region of France. The one-week program is lead by textile artists and Fit for Art owners Rae Cumbie* and Carrie Emerson.** Together we will explore the… 

Enchanting France – Embellishing Fabric

Spend August 2-9, 2023 with Rae Cumbie* and Carrie Emerson** of Fit for Art Patterns at La Cascade Artists Retreat in Durfort, an enchanting medieval artisan village in the Languedoc region of France, to explore the countryside and a variety of fabric embellishing and surface design techniques. The mornings will be spent in… 

Enchanting France – Embellishing Fabric

Spend August 2-9, 2023 with Rae Cumbie* and Carrie Emerson** of Fit for Art Patterns at La Cascade Artists Retreat in Durfort, an enchanting medieval artisan village in the Languedoc region of France to explore the countryside and a variety of fabric embellishing and surface design techniques. The mornings will…