We have spent countless hours during the last 15 months working on our book, Sewing Quilted Patchwork Jackets. There were so many tasks, but now that most of them are complete, we are grateful that it is a resource for the sewing world that we can be proud of. Enjoy this little timeline as we look back on the project to celebrate of its completion. We are thankful Sewing Quilted Patchwork Jackets is published!
Planning the Projects
Once the contract was signed with Fox Chapel Publications in August of 2023, we had to think, plan and source materials for all 10 projects. Because we had lots of ideas and wanted them presented in a neat and logically organized package, the plan had to include all the jackets. We created a list of techniques we wanted to introduce and then planned the projects to include each of them, building skills as we progressed through the book.
Executing the Projects
Creating the new Opus Jacket and Coat patterns to be included in the book, for both adults and kids, was first on the list since each project would be made off this pattern. Carrie took the lead on pattern drafting while Rae began making sketches and collecting materials for the projects.
Rae tested the new pattern with the first completed project, due mid-September 2023. It was project 3, Assorted Patchwork Jacket, made from stash fabrics cut into 5” squares and then assembled into a colorful patchwork coat. Writing the directions and specifications was also important so the book would be a useful instruction manual as well as eye candy.
Each step of the project had to be photographed, usually several times to assure that there would be at least one good photo for each step along the way. Our sewing studios were upended with photography equipment, boxes of materials labeled for each project, and busy computers.
It was rare that anything other than a quilted jacket was being stitched during the 7 months of intensive construction and writing. One-half of the the manuscript was due in November and the rest in mid-March. At each deadline, all the text files had to be formatted to the editors’ specifications, photographs properly labeled and annotated in the text, and all uploaded into a shared file. Of course we were keeping the book project under wraps at this stage, so it was a challenge to come up with new blog post material weekly!
By mid March 2024, all the jackets and manuscript were completed. The 10 completed jackets were delivered to Fox Chapel’s offices in Pennsylvania to be photographed on models. Knowing we weren’t likely to get them back for several months, we scheduled a quick photo shoot of the ten quilted jackets and coats with our trusted Fit for Art photographer before delivery to the publisher.
Finishing the Book
In July, while we were in France preparing for our La Cascade students, we received the manuscript to read and edit. It was a big task, but so fun to see all the elements brought together into a book. We sent off our suggestions and then waited, but not long. When our students had left France 8 days later, we sat down together to review the book with the new edits.
After signing off on the book in early August, Carrie was back in the US and Rae was still in France, but we were both pleased with the final draft. Publication was surprisingly quick and an advance copy of the book was in our hands to preview by early September.
Time for Marketing
Fortunately, there was enough time to arrange a trip to the Houston Quilt Market to promote the book. As you saw in our report from Houston, it was a wonderful experience to promote the book to quilt store owners, distributors, fabric, batting and thread vendors, and more with solid support from our publishers.
We were excited when informed that copies of the printed book were in stock several weeks before the scheduled release date. As authors, we could start shipping our signed copies with exclusive availability in mid-November. Thanks so much to all who have already purchased the book from Fit for Art! We look forward to hearing your feedback and seeing photos of your quilted jackets and coats.
Next week the book will be available through many other retailers after its release date of December 17. We are hosting a book launch party to celebrate on December 18 at Handcraft Happy Hour in Hampden. Join us for nibbles, a look at the projects up-close, and getting your own signed copy.
If you can’t join us to see all 10 coats, we have a treat for you too. Watch for our link to a video made when we returned to Baltimore from Quilt Market, unpacking and previewing each project. You will get an enticing look at them and be able to click through to order your own signed copy of Sewing Quilted Patchwork Jackets.
We hope you share in our excitement and enjoy this new accomplishment. Be sure to let us know your favorite quilt store so we can contact them and encourage them to embrace the making of quilted jackets using this new resource.