Putting the final finishes on the descriptions and registration process for our Enchanting France, Embellishing Fabric trip in 2020 allowed my mind to wander back to our 2019 adventure. I have been reflecting on the time spent in the studio last July, playing with a variety of fabric embellishments. One of the techniques we experimented with was raw edge collage anchored with free motion machine stitching.
Our French Bernina 640 was all set up with the Stitch Regulator and our inspiration table was overflowing with fabric scraps to inspire and inhabit the 12 X 12″ collage samples.

On the appointed morning I began to create a design to demonstrate the collage technique and then demonstrate the sewing machine techniques used to anchor the collage to the fabric and batting base. I encouraged everyone to add elements and stitching to this fun sample as a warm up to creating their own collage samples.

The result was such a whimsical composition we decided it needed a home. So, we decided as a group to finish it on the back with piecing, painting and our signatures as a fabric thank you card for our beloved chef Nese. She had welcomed us so warmly and kept us nourished all week with the local food from the countryside of southwest France.

While everyone worked on their own collage samples, I put the finishing touches on the fabric card. During our final studio event, a gallery tour of each participant’s works, we presented Nese with the card. She loved it and hung it on the dining room door. We were pleased that such excellent use was made of a unique sample.

Come to France with us next year July 15-22, 2020, for 7 wonderful days of embellishment techniques, lovely meals and accommodations at the La Cascade artists’ retreat, and fabulous tourist adventures. One of our students proclaimed last years trip “the experience of a lifetime”.

You are invited to register online, beginning on Saturday, November 9 at noon eastern time. There are only 8 spaces available for this intimate French fabric experience, so register early. You don’t want to miss such a fabulous opportunity.
Registration will also open Saturday, November 9 at noon eastern for our spring retreat at the Maritime Conference Center. Read more about this energizing state-side event in our recent newsletter or our previous Save the Date post.
It is such a pleasure to offer each of you opportunities to make 2020 your best sewing year yet! Take advantage of our retreats, teaching events, patterns (recently recognized by Threads Magazine in their Holiday Gift Guide), Sew! Let’s get Dressed Blog Posts, and tools of the trade so you too can #sewsuccessfully with #fitforartpatterns.
Happy Sewing, RAE