Since you follow us by reading this blog you know that we have been working on the Rain or Shine Variations for the Tabula Rasa Jacket for a while. If you visited our booth at one of our spring shows, you were even teased with some fabulous samples made from the new variation pattern. So, where is it?
We are pleased to tell you that as of July 1, the pattern will be available for purchase on the web, and our website header will proudly feature some of the terrific samples we have made with this fun filled variation. If you are attending the ASG Annual Meeting in early July, we will have plenty of them in our booth at the marketplace.
With our sincerest apologies, we will tell you how life kept getting in the way of the Rain or Shine Variations.

We started seriously playing with the ideas for this variation last December after we returned from the fall shows. Carrie and I had a blast stitching up stash fabrics into these center front opening jackets. In January we spent a couple weeks tweaking the hood pattern so it would be just right. We also started writing the directions and drawing the illustrations. Our goal was to complete everything before we headed out to the spring shows. Truth is, we got a bit stuck on the funnel neck template and facings. It still needed some tweaking and sample testing.

We got most of the direction book to our beloved graphic designer Erin in early February. She got started, but alas, was way- laid by a big party being held in NYC in late February to celebrate her wedding. While I was stitching lace from Erin’s mother’s wedding dress onto her petticoat, she worked on our illustration.

From March to early April we were on the road and things at Erin’s real job got totally crazy so progress was at a stand-still. Add to the variations fits and starts our older parents who needed attention when we returned to Baltimore, and Physical Therapy. A new puppy at Erin’s apartment caused even more delays.

In May, we were finally able to finalize patterns, directions and illustrations. We scheduled a photo shoot to capture our new samples for the website.

We were using a new photographer, so again, a learning curve and again a curve ball. His daughter was graduating from high school, so photo delivery was slowed down a bit by the festivities.

But, they were worth the wait!
We think that all the Rain or Shine stars are now aligned. The patterns and direction booklets are at the printers. Photos are in the hands of the website team. Hopefully you are as excited about it as we are. It will be perfect for your late summer and early fall sewing.

As sewers, life often gets in the way doesn’t it. We have the perfect project planned, time set aside, materials purchased and then, there is a work or family crisis, or even a festive celebration that distracts us from our stitching.

That is when we take a big, deep breath, give in to the moment, and feel confident that when we return to the sewing room, our task will still be waiting.
Thanks for breathing with us and our Fit for Art team as we completed this new pattern variation. We believe you will be pleased that we spent time perfecting all the details and allowing space for life to happen for our talented team members. It was worth the wait!
Come spend some days sewing with us at our Sew! Let’s Get Dressed retreat August 22-27. It will be a great time to stitch up your first Rain or Shine Variation or work on other fitting and sewing projects with others who love to sew. Registration materials are available by clicking on Retreat. Choose 2 days, 6 days, or anything in between.
Happy Sewing, RAE